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Market November 20

Muchachitos if they are in Oaxaca and want to eat in a delicious and economical place, the November 20 market in the center of Oaxaca is a very good option.



Market November 20

In the heart of Oaxaca, you will find the market on November 20, where you can eat a variety of dishes in the different fonditas.

The mole that you will find there is the most delicious they will try, but that is not the only option, they can go for a basket of charcoal meats or a chicken broth, a tlayuda, in short the menus are varied.

If you go to the meat department do not be surprised, everything is sold separately, the meat, the tortillas, the sauce and the drinks, but everything is brought to the table where you are.

You can accompany your food with fresh water, beer or soda, we recommend you take good hunger so you can try a little of everything.

In the same way you can buy chocolate, mole, bread, etc ... to take and taste in your home.

Cost per Person: $ 150.00MX per person.

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